Presentation of the EU Catalonia Dialogue Platform in Barcelona : the Europe we want

Enregistrament de l'acte


Jordi Solé expressed that "The EU–Catalonia Dialogue Platform shows that there are many people working with us and proves that the Catalan case concerns all Europe". He added that "We are asking for the European values to be respected. Europe is more than Tusk, Tajani and Juncker" and that "We call for the Europe of values, solidarity and democracy". Diana Riba thanked all the MEPs for the creation of the Platform: "Many times I have asked you [MEPs] to open a discussion in Europe. For this reason, I really appreciate the creation of the EU–Catalonia Dialogue Platform". Chair of the EU – Catalonia Platform Ivo Vajgl reiterated that "No one can deny the right to self-determination to any nation! Catalans are Europeans and in Europe fundamental rights have to be respected". Basque MEP Izaskun Bilbao stated that "It is unfair what is happening to nine peaceful people. This ordeal is unjustifiable. It is an abuse of power". MEP Eleonora Forenza declared that "It is unbelievable that in 2018 we have exiles and unacceptable pre-trial detentions. I feel shame. It is happening in Europe and European institutions are saying nothing". MEP Ramon Tremosa noted how important it is "to denounce the tremendous State lie built upon the political prisoners and the exiled politicians"

